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Since 2023 availability of instruments is strongly reduced.
Please consider 10-25 weeks to receive your instrument.
Some single and unique pieces may be available earlier from backstock.
Digital Sampling library for Kontakt Player 6.7 (VST instrument)
A free simple sample library of PERSEUS "Asgard" is now available for Kontakt 6.7 and above (by NI).
2 microphone positions, 2 hit methods, 3 velocity intensities.
Control the main parameters on a nice graphical interface.
A version for the completely free Decent Sampler is planned, too.
WORKSHOP: JULY 05-06 / 2025 with Marco Trochelmann
4th workshop on PERSEUS "Aeterna" is going to start in 2025 @ Waffensen in northern Germany
Feel free to participate to learn new skills in playing, finding melodies and rhythm patterns.
All playing levels are welcome.
Benefits of your PERSEUS instrument:
Harmony: the beautiful simplicity of frequency ratios.
Long sustain and reduced metallic sound.
1000+ instruments since 2014. Handcrafted.
Approved technology, scales and sound system.
Maximum physical strength. Extreme corrosion protection.
Unseen stability in tuning. Joy for lifetime
Open and unbiased guidance to your instrument.
Fast help for accessories and complementary products.
(should work with Firefox and Chrome browsers)
A 3-dimensional digital creation of PERSEUS sound instrument,
use this button to view; note that surface impression and tongue-size may differ in reality;
Attention: 17 MB download plus high processor capture
Established PERSEUS tone sequences
Celtic Minor in B
B / F# A B C# D E F# A B C#
grounded and friendly
Ursa Minor in C
C / G Ab C D Eb F G Ab C D
deep and mystical
Integral in D
D / A Bb C D E F A Bb C D
light and shadow
Dorian in D
D / A C D E F G A B C D
root notes for compatibility
Moods: Major / Minor / Regional
Tuning: 440 or 432 Hz
Center tones: B2 - F3 (HY-NOX) / F#3 - B3 (Gravitalis)
(a small selection of the possible scales)
PERSEUS "Polaris" was the most delivered sound model between 2014 and 2021 – about 400 pieces.
The Ursa Minor scale in C features a deeply personal and mystically questioning tone sequence.
Other widespread sound models are "Isca", Symmetria", "Doria"
or has been "Aeterna", "Nebula", "Tropical", "Tenjo", "Asgard", "Pegasus", "Beltane".
PERSEUS Gravitalis is a new heavy-weight variant: high notes on large tongues sizes:
Perseus "Polaris"
Perseus "Isca"
Perseus "Symmmetria"
Perseus "Nebula"
Perseus "Aeterna"
incl. 19% VAT
excl. VAT
Already found your favorite sound model? Just contact to receive your stainless Steel Tongue Drum.
Contact / submission form
From time to time you may be lucky getting a PERSEUS "Polaris" via thomann:
available accessories and sound instruments in stock
ready to ship
July 05-06 @ Waffensen, Northern Germany
max .10 participants
workshop language: German
for registration please visit:
PERSEUS "Aeterna"
Provided workshop instruments
for harmonic sound instrument interaction
Experienced teacher
Marco Trochelmann navigates through the lessons
with his unique way of generating progress
Approaches and techniques
Learning new methods and creating ideas
for beginners and advanced players
Hann. Münden, Central Germany
Hann. Münden, Central Germany
Waffensen, Northern Germany
Steady improvement and development
2014 Material: Cr-Ni stainless steel
One of the first stainless Steel Tongue Drums.
2017 Material: Titanium
Probably world's first Titanium Tongue Drum.
2020 Material: HY-NOX
Extreme solidity, highly resistant against corrosion
2021 Material: Gravitalis
Heavy-weight material for high notes on large tongues
2014 Surface: Lacquered
Unique airbrush appearance - Xenium, Nexus, PERSEUS
2014 Surface: Spiral cut
Spiral on steel surface. Silky matt on HY-NOX since 2020
2017 Surface: Electrical polishing
Nearly mirroring with strong light reflection
2022 Surface: Ceramic coating
Thin layer of colorful durable vapor deposition
2017 Digital: Sampling Project
Studio-recorded samples of PERSEUS "Asgard"
2019 Overview: Scales and modes
Overview on Handpan- and Steel Tongue Drum scales
2020 Accessory: Perseus Distortion Layer
Textile distortion sound membrane for Perseus
2022 Technology: 3D Laser
Industry partner sets up precise 3D-laser-technology
2014 Tone exploration: Dampening
Simple but efficient dampening foil for steel bodies
2014 Tone exploration: Overtone tongue research
More than 15 tested tongue design concepts
2016 Tone exploration: Klanggeist
Tongue Pan division - full and direct sound
2021 Tone exploration: Wolkenspiel
Steel Tongue Disc division - compact sound bodies
Simple Legacy Steel Tongue Drums
Overtone Legacy Steel Tongue Drums
Enthusiasts and intensifiers
Feedback, interest, requests, orders: feel welcome to drop a message:
Potsdam, Germany